st louis video production companies | video studio | producers | teleprompters

10/26/13 8:13 pm | Comments (0) | Posted By: HallerConcepts

A teleprompter is a useful tool to stay on script and deliver video content. It can be used in almost any stationary setting. A teleprompter is the ideal solution when you need to talk directly into the camera which is done to address the viewer in a personal way. With recent improvements in screen technology, teleprompters have become smaller and more accessible.


st louis teleprompters for video and film

st louis teleprompters for video and film

What is often overlooked, however, is that there is a proper technique for using a teleprompter. It’s relatively simple. The idea is that you use the teleprompter for reference but look past the reflection into the actual lens of the camera when you know what you are supposed to say and also break eye contact occasionally (like you would in a good conversation). This can only happen when you know the scrip twell and know what is important to tell the audience. It also helps to have practice and feel comfortable in a teleprompter situation. When used correctly, the teleprompter seamlessly keeps you on script, on-time, and is not noticeable to the audience. It can significantly decrease the time required for a video shoot and also make the editors’ job easier since you are more likely to be on script.

Mike Haller
St Louis Video Producer
St Louis, Missouri, USA | Video Production

Haller Concepts | St. Louis, MO