St Louis video production and photography location scouting.

05/29/14 7:46 pm | Comments (0) | Posted By: HallerConcepts

Scouting location for your next shoot. What to watch out for.

You’re practically guaranteed to visit one of these locations sooner or later. Here is a list of things to look out for.

School Auditoriums: poor audio, large space, hard to get close to action
Churches: low lighting, echoing sound, hard to be unobtrusive
Parks and Natural Areas: changing weather, difficult gear transport
Urban Centers: background noise, high traffic and pedestrian presence
Beaches: wind noise, salt air, sand contamination, direct sun
Outdoor Events: competition for space, poor audio, crowd noise

Location Scouting helpful tools. Be sure to remember the priceless places you’ve found with this list for a location scouting kit:
Notebook for field notes
Still camera for creating location archive photos
Camcorder with headphones for recording test video and audio
Compass for checking sunrise/sunset, wind direction, etc.
Watch for time-sensitive observations
Maps especially for remote locations
Cell phone, is always a must, just in case

Call or email us today with any St Louis video production or photography project questions you may have.

Haller Concepts
4501 Mattis Rd.
St. Louis, MO

(314) 892-1233

Haller Concepts | St. Louis, MO